BlueBay Means Green wishes you… Happy Earth Day!

Today is Earth Day. We who live wildly, sometimes because of work and daily obligations, we need to disconnect and connect to the earth, even for a short time, but at least once a year. And to get it, travelling is a perfect choice. Earth offers ideal spots to unwind flatly.


At BlueBay Group, we want to celebrate the Day of the Earth by promoting awareness, training and dissemination of good environmental practices, by saving natural resources, energy and water and respecting nature, the protected local wildlife and local population. Among our goal to to promote sustainable tourism, we recommend the following to all BlueBay guests:

  • Save energy in the room by turning off lights when not needed and turning off the air conditioning when opening windows and terraces.
  • Use water sparingly, such as showering instead of bathing and turning off the tap when brushing your teeth.
  • When visiting sustainable ecosystems, learn how to do it correctly to cause the least impact and not degrade them. For example, when diving in coral reefs, do not step on or touch them as they are extremely sensitive, take years to regenerate and entire ecosystems depend on them. Follow the rules established, for instance, in the Caribbean beaches during the turtles’ nesting season, such as avoiding turning on lights or making too much noise at night.


  • Do not buy wildlife protected by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) nor buy products made from endangered species.


  • Proper use of the bath towels.bluebaysensations_mayas
  • Use biodegradable sunscreen and rechargeable batteries.
  • Reduce CO2 emissions by using public transportation whenever possible, travel by bicycle and respect the speed limits. If you are planning to rent a car to do some sightseeing, you can arrange with other hotel guests who are planning the same trip and thus, meet new people.
  • Try to minimize the generation of waste and, when you need to get rid of waste, do it the cleaner way using the recycling bins destined for it.
  • Gather as much information as possible about the destination and take time to understand their customs, norms and traditions, avoiding any behavior that might offend the local population. Respect their artistic, archaeological and cultural heritage.
  • Do not give gifts to poor children, generating beggar culture, causing them to stop going to school. Our recommendation, if you want to help, is to obtain information and offer assistance to some trusted local grassroots organization.
The BlueBay Banús Hotel: Things to do in the Puerto Banús area
The Bellevue Aquarius Hotel: Things to do on the island of Lanzarote

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