Cuba: The craftsmanship of the Cigar

Cuba: The craftsmanship of the cigar.

We saw the story yesterday, today we will focus on the craftsmanship behind each cigrarro cigar. The peasant, the twister with patience, simplicity and good to work tirelessly following an old tradition that has remained unchanged to this day.

Cuba devotes its best vegas for growing the type of snuff with which cigars are made. The Vuelta Abajo region, is considered one of the best in the world for its unique culture and producing all types of leaf.

The province of Pinar del Rio, located in the westernmost part of the island, including two important tobacco regions: Semivuelta, which covers the eastern part of the province and Vuelta Abajo tobacco region most renowned in the world and occupies much of central, western and southern parts of the province. Since the nineteenth century, is the main growing area of ​​the country.

Growing snuff requires experience and work in extremely harsh conditions: high temperatures, humidity and long hours. Yet the Cuban peasant life this long family tradition to the culture of snuff.

There are two ways to grow snuff: the snuff of sun produces four of the five sheets needed to make a cigar. It is called “gut” to the leaves consists of lightweight, blown dry, coat, is what gives the distinctive flavor of each cigar. The cultivation of covered snuff, which is covered with white cloth shade over the crop, producing more delicate-looking leaves that are used exclusively by layer, ie wrapping the casing in contact with the mouth.

The soil must be loose and well drained. In August, prepare seedbeds, after 45 days to water the seedlings are ready to be transplanted in mid-October. In 45-50 days the plants reach their full development. It is the time of collection: each leaf is collected one to one and by hand. After being harvested, are taken to the Houses of Snuff where they prepare to be cured.

After being harvested must go through natural processes to be used in the preparation of a cigar. There are a number of chemical transformations on the sheet that change their chemical, physical and organoleptic. This process begins in the Houses of Snuff at the location of air curing, to be followed by the first fermentation, despalillo, classification, second fermentation, oreo, enterciado and aging before it leaves the factory going.

The development of Habanos is performed by the same method of two centuries ago. The rollers used only a few essential elements to create his work: a table of hanging, cap, a pot of vegetable gum, the key, the guillotine, a trap to check length and caliber and skilled hands that exceed the ability of any machine .

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